Rachael Buckley
Senior Vice President
Complex issues have met their match.
As a Senior Vice President at Story Partners, Rachael serves as a strategic communications adviser to many of the firm’s clients. She has expertise in crisis communications, developing compelling public policy initiatives, and crafting successful media relations programs that earn her clients wins in publications such as Bloomberg, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal. Rachael has also amassed experience with utility, oil and gas, and health care companies, and often counsels her clients on complex policy and regulatory issues.
Rachael brings a diverse and extensive background to Story Partners. A former political staffer in Australia, Rachael managed state and federal campaigns across the country. She worked hand-in-hand with candidates and incumbents, overseeing both media relations and grassroots initiatives to ensure victory was claimed on election night. It was during her time in retail politics where she learned how to distill policy into captivating stories and messages that resonate with audiences.
Prior to joining Story Partners, Rachael worked in campaign opposition research, where she led a six-person communications team through the 2018 midterm cycle. Rachael is a graduate of the University of Queensland and Georgetown University.